
From light to vision - seeing with the human eye process

 From light to vision - seeing with the human eye process Research Steps to Seeing:  1. Light passes into the cornea  2. The iris opens or closes the size of the pupil depending on how intense the light is  3. The ciliary muscles pull on the lens adjusting its thickness to focus the light on the back of the eye  4. The light passes through the pupil  5. The light is then refracted by the lens  6. The light hits the retina at the back of the eye  7. The light excites the photoreceptors (rods and cones) to which they create a nerve impulse  8. The nerve impulse is carried down the optic nerve to the brain This is obviously too long of an explanation to use for an infographic. Need to simplify these steps into something that can be drawn into a diagram with as few words as possible. A good slideshow giving a simple explanation on how the eye works. My Interpretation: 1. Light passes into corn...


 visual diagrams - bar Graphs: good for showing data not always good for showing small details used to help explain points and basic data Nigel Holmes Graph: illustrative graphs time magazine reworked a bar graph into a theme that displays how he wants the information to come across statistical graphic - Napoleon's losses shows napoleon's losses in terms of troops over time/location interactive statistical graph to display more information maps shows geography, height, street layout ect... not always good for showing data and specific info about a location shows the more general info streetlight map maps used as art halloween pumpkin map richer people had more jack-o-lanterns. journey strip maps britannia depicta simple maps showing 1 route designed for tradesman/travellers of the time to show shops and markets shows barebone geographical information originally designed for spies IKEA simple line drawing used for viscom trying to make it as simple as possible to follow magnific...

Questions / Client Feedback

Hello, This is just a page for some initial questions I have for the project.. 1- Would the ink style technique I mentioned in my initial sketches be a style / theme you would be interested in for this project? 2- When it comes to information displayed on the guide, is there anything you would think of as "vital' to be included? 3- Out of the visual themes; Nature, Autumn and Steampunk. Do you have a prefered one? Also If you have general overall feedback you can leave a comment here.

Initial Sketches

- Some initial sketches of some layouts for the walking guide. -An initial sketch of an info page, using some outlines and shapes to create a theme/style. These can be used as a fun way to store information, a little bit more interesting than just blocks of information. - This was some experimenting I did with some pen ink and a paintbrush. I like the effect this created and you can also flick the brush onto the paper to create a nice 'scruffy' effect. I think this would make for an interesting visual theme for the walking guide.  

Themed Mood Board 3

 Themed Mood Board 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steampunk _______________________________________________________________________ This theme relates more to trains and railways rather than the nature side. This theme can usually be displayed as a dark and depressing colour pallet, but I want to use some brighter colours within this theme to make it pop more. I think this theme would be interesting and eye-catching, also allowing for some creative illustrations and typography.

Themed Mood Board 2

 Themed Mood Board 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Autumn _______________________________________________________________________ This theme to me feels comforting and calm, while still being strongly associated with the information displayed. I think this theme would help to give the infographic as more interesting twist on the nature theme, with warmer, softer colours.

Themed Mood Board 1

 Themed Mood Board 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nature _________________ _____________________________________________________ I think this theme works well for a 'walking leaflet', as it links with the overall themes that people would associate with the countryside and walking paths. I think this theme would help to make the infographic look more in line with the type of information it is displaying and reinforce the subject.