
Showing posts from March, 2023

From light to vision - seeing with the human eye process

 From light to vision - seeing with the human eye process Research Steps to Seeing:  1. Light passes into the cornea  2. The iris opens or closes the size of the pupil depending on how intense the light is  3. The ciliary muscles pull on the lens adjusting its thickness to focus the light on the back of the eye  4. The light passes through the pupil  5. The light is then refracted by the lens  6. The light hits the retina at the back of the eye  7. The light excites the photoreceptors (rods and cones) to which they create a nerve impulse  8. The nerve impulse is carried down the optic nerve to the brain This is obviously too long of an explanation to use for an infographic. Need to simplify these steps into something that can be drawn into a diagram with as few words as possible. A good slideshow giving a simple explanation on how the eye works. My Interpretation: 1. Light passes into corn...