2 - Competitor Research

Competitor Research


Gloucestershire Community Rail Partnership



Who are they?

Gloucester Community Rail Partnership (GCRP), based in Gloucestershire.


What Services do they provide?

GCRP is a rail line connecting 9 stations around Gloucestershire. Along with being the connecting rail line for Gloucester with its surrounding areas, they also often hold community events and in general are involved in Gloucester's tourism and travel, as well as striving to improve the local stations.


What visual materials, media or maps do they use for showing their network(s)?

On their main website page this is the graphic that is presented to show their rail line and the connecting stations. In design it is quite similar to the classic London underground tube map, as it shows a more easy to follow map rather than a map that it 100% geographically accurate.


Are their visual treatments illustrative, photographic, diagrammatic or (other)?

On the website the main visual treatment is photographic. The website is well made and flows nicely, with photos around the countryside and of some landmarks around Gloucester being show on most pages. When clicking on a station page for more information you are greeted with photos of the local landmarks around that station and some information about them. The infographic showing the connecting stations itself is more diagrammatic, as it is quite simple and direct, just showing the stations making up the rail line, and the general directions of them.


Purbeck Community Rail Partnership


Who are they?

Purbeck Community Rail Partnership (PCRP), based in Purbeck.


What Services do they provide?

PCRP is a rail line based in Purbeck that connects stations from Dorchester to Swanage in south western England.  The PCRP hold community events regularly 


What visual materials, media or maps do they use for showing their network(s)?

PCRP use a few different infographics on their website to show the connecting stations making up the rail line. Each map displays different information. The first shows the general route of the PCRP. The second shows a closer look between the Wareham and Swanage stations, and the third shows how the Swanage railway connects to the national railway and sea trail route.


Are their visual treatments illustrative, photographic, diagrammatic or (other)?

They mainly use illustrations on their infographics to display information such as local landmarks and railway routes. On the website itself there are a lot of well made illustrations displayed as you navigate the information. The website is very well made and easy to get around, clearly displaying all of the information and infographics, tied together with a rail theme that runs through the webpage.


East Hampshire Community Rail Partnership


Who are they?

East Hampshire Community Rail Partnership (EHCRP), based in East Hampshire


What Services do they provide?

EHCRP is a rail line connecting 6 stations around East Hampshire. They also provide walk and cycle tracks, information on use of stations and the rail line, as well as community initiatives and volunteering opportunities.


What visual materials, media or maps do they use for showing their network(s)?

This is the only infographic I can find on the website that shows the stations and rail line route. Its pretty easy to read, showing both the rail track, and the walk routes, along with some good landmarks to visit if you are travelling through the area. 


Are their visual treatments illustrative, photographic, diagrammatic or (other)?

On the website itself, they mainly use photographic elements to display information. The infographic itself is just a basic map as you would find on google maps, it doesn't include any illustrations or photographs of any landmarks or stations.


After reviewing a number of similar scenarios and looking at your client’s proposition, how do you rate (as an observer) each of the 3x competitor scenarios found in 1 (best/most interesting) and 3 (least interesting) order?

My rating would be:


            1 - Gloucester Community Rail Partnership (GCRP)

            2 - Purbeck Community Rail Partnership (PCRP)

            3 - East Hampshire Community Rail Partnership (EHCRP)


I have chosen this order mainly because I like the simplistic look of the GCRP infographic. Compared to the other 2 I think it just looks a lot cleaner, although it doesn't show as much information as the other two. I think it was close between GCRP and PCRP, as I also like the infographics used by PCRP, I think it does make the infographic more interesting and provides more information, but in the end I like the clean and sleek look of the other one, similar to the London underground tube map.
